Bumper Boats & Water Wars

Beat the heat and cool off… The bumper boats are fully equipped with squirt guns – ready for the ultimate bumper boat battle! Cool off on a hot summer day!

Bumper Boat Requirements:

  • Drivers must be 8 years old and 48″ or taller
  • Smaller passengers may ride with an adult no extra charge
Bumper Boats
Bumper Boats
Bumper Boats

Water Wars

Challenge your friends in our water balloon sling shot game!

Water War Requirements:

  • Up to 4 players at each station
  • Water balloons must stay in the water war area


Funway’s Bumper Boats & Water Wars are a great way to celebrate a special day, blending the fun of a game with the joy of being outside. Guests of all ages can partake in the fun! 

Click the link below to choose between our 4 party packages! 

Great for Team Building and Company Outings!​

Organizing a bumper boat or water war event is an excellent way to foster team building, boost morale, and provide a fun, relaxing break from the usual work environment. It encourages camaraderie and friendly competition, allowing coworkers to interact in a light-hearted setting and form stronger connections outside of the office.